A review by booklovinmamas
A Hunger So Wild by Sylvia Day


Full Review posted on Book Lovin' Mamas

I received a complimentary copy of "A Hunger so Wild" through NetGalley from the publisher for an honest review.
May I say...I think I about fainted when I saw this book post to Netgalley.  I feel like I was waiting forever for July to get here and when I got an early copy of this book...I screamed.  My hubby and oldest daughter were probably pondering if they should call a mental ward or not.
I knew I would love this book too, once I started reading it.  It's on Elijah!  If you have the read the first book,  you know who Elijah is if you haven't read the first book, what are you waiting for now?
Elijah has left the Sentinels and now is running the pack of Lycans as Alpha.  He's the best for the job.  He never thought, he would end up hooking up with the Vampires though to find out what's going on with the vampires and why some are coming down with a disease that makes them go crazy.  (these crazy vamps are wraiths)  Elijah, also never expected to have the second most powerful vampire approach him for his help.