A review by amothersmusings1
The Helicopter Heist by Jonas Bonnier


"The Helicopter Heist" is billed as a fast paced, race against time thriller and it was definitely that! The amount of tension building up to the heist and then the actually robbery itself was so suspenseful I couldn't put the book down until I knew whether or not it was executed successfully and whether the robbers got away or were caught. I wasn't aware myself of this crime in real life but I was intrigued enough to research it and was stunned by just how cunning and well planned this heist actually was. Knowing then that this story was based on incredible true events and created into a fabulous thriller made it all the more entertaining and in my opinion the author has done an excellent job in doing so, to a point the reader doesn't know what parts are fact and which are fiction. It's obvious a huge amount of research has been carried out to write this book and I can see it's a crime that the author has really taken a huge personal interest in.
Set in Vastberga, Sweden in 2009, I did struggle a little with place names and locations but it didn't detract from the enjoyment of the story and was an interesting setting for an extraordinary crime.
What I particularly liked about how the author wrote this book is how we were introduced to each character in the book no matter how small their part was, giving us their background, current situations and ambitions to a point you really did get a clear picture of each person and their role in the story. I liked all of the four main characters especially Sami and although they were planning an unbelievable helicopter heist that could result in the theft of millions of kroner you couldn't help but root for the plan to succeed. The fabulous twist at the end was very unsuspecting and I loved how it fit in so well with the plot.
The author Jonas Bonnier was once the CEO and president of the publishing company Bonnier Group and to have a book published by the company must be both very exciting and fulfilling for him. Full of drama, tension and a really compelling plot this is a truly riveting read that will go down well with non fiction and fiction readers alike. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book over a weekend and would have no hesitation in recommending it.

5 stars