A review by lysareading
Elements by Airin Efferin


Rating 3.5

The perfect closure for the Nisha trilogy!

I got to meet the evil queen which is Viderakl, the mother of Aklumites I found her quite interesting. The fighting scene to confront her? Oh my, that would be my favorite part.

I pretty much love the battle scene here compare to book 2 because I got to see everyone giving their best to stand and fight for their homeland. The companionship, magic is pretty much balance in the whole scene. There were also so many shocking moments inside this book so I can't give any spoilers.

The blooming relationship between Nisha & Elian makes me grin all the way. Like, come on! A bowman and a witch? Hiks they made me blush!

I'm looking forward to knowing Nisha's progress aftermath the battle in the author's next standalone! Overall, I enjoyed every bit of this series, and do pick this up!

Totally suitable for fantasy-starter! <3