A review by caterpie_reading
Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor


I deeply fell in love with this book.

Actual Rating: 4.5/5 stars

I was actually really hesitant to pick this series up, because I read Laini Taylor's short story in 'My True Love Gave to Me' and it was by far my least favorite story. I could not get into it whatsoever and in the end, I skimmed it more than actually read it. So obviously, I was afraid that I wouldn't enjoy her beloved Daughter of Smoke and Bone series. But thank goodness, this was not the case. Daughter of Smoke and Bone is such a gem of a book and I am so glad I finally got around to reading it.

The writing is absolutely stunning. It has something whimsical and mysterious about it, which I loved. The way Laini Taylor writes, and the words and metaphors she uses, it is simply beautiful. Everything is just woven together perfectly, the words carrying you from page to page. It's just a treat to read, especially since it is kind of poetic, which fit the story excellently. I also loved how the story was told, with all the flashbacks and the story - within - a story. It was such a refreshing narrative and it gave the plot and the character so much more depth and the whole world a whole new scope.

And holy smokes, the world Laini has created is just breathtaking. World building is A+. This book is so unique and the perspective on angels and demons so different, which I loved. I was always eager to learn more about what happened between the seraphim and the chimaera and I love the story, the history the author created between those two races. The whole world of Eretz is described so detailed and vividly that sometimes I felt like I was there with the characters. It was so easy imagining all these different places and I love that when I think about this book now, all these images come to my mind so easily. Furthermore, I highly enjoyed that this book took place in Prague and other cities that were not the United States. It was just a nice change. Moreover, the descriptions of Prague were beautiful. In general, the setting gave the story just the atmosphere it needed.

(I feel like I have nothing bad to say about this book, but oh well)

The plot Laini Taylor spun was just amazing. Never ending fight between two races in a war-torn alternate earth - esque setting, with forbidden romance that can't even be overcome by death. Hell yeay, sign me up. And yes, there may be a lot of cliche elements in the story, but somehow Laini Taylor made them look like something brand new and not at all boring and over used. All throughout this book, I was so involved in the story, always wanting to know what would happen next. The big reveal as to why there seemed to be an endless supply of chimaera soldiers was a turn I did not expect. Through the whole book, I was always trying to puzzle it together, always asking myself what Brimstone's teeth had to to with it, but I never foresaw that it was
Spoilerreincarnation - through teeth.
But I was head over heels with the idea of this kind magic. Again - so unique and clever.
SpoilerThat the big source behind magic was pain was also something I really liked. It pains magic in quite a different, interesting light. I am also really intrigued to see where Akiva's journey with magic will lead him. I actually liked that he was the first angel who rediscovered the use of real magic. The other big reveal, namely that Karou's soul is the one of Akiva's long lost love Madrigal, I suspected, but I never could have imagined all the backstory to it. I am such a sucker for the idea of soulmates in books and I am so glad that it played a role. The idea that Akiva was drawn to Karou because of her soul, the inexplicable intimacy between them - god, I love those plot elements (the hopeless romantic in me can't withstand these things).
The chemistry between them was amazingly written, their dialogue and gestures to die for. Their love was quiet but still passionate, which is my favorite kind of thing. I also was a huge fan of seeing Akiva and Madrigal in the past. It gave the overall story and Akiva's history so much more depth and tragic. Their story was probably one of my favorite things to read about. I especially liked that their story was quite different from Karous and Akivas. I loved their ideals and their hope for peace in this war torn world. This is real tragedy right there.
And it broke my heart to see Akiva so devastated at the end.
SpoilerKarou just has to forgive him. She has to see that what he did was out of revenge for Madrigals/her death. It is not his fault that he didn't know better. And I am sure Karou will come to understand this. I also don't think that Brimstone and the others are really dead. I am in desperate need of a reunion between Karou and Brimstone.

Now to the one and only thing I was a little bit irked by: Yes, the insta love turned out to be much more than that and it was justified later on, but something didn't sit completely well with me, which is weird, because I grew to love Akiva and Karou. But still, in the beginning, I was a little bit turned off by it, but at the end, I was head over heels with them as a couple, so the problem resolved itself. Also weird is that the same thing practically happened with Madrigal and Akiva and I wasn't bothered by their instantaneous love either, but it is what it is.

Back to the infinite good things: the characters were simply amazing. Karou/Madrigal was such an interesting character to read about. Everything about her was mysterious and intriguing, from the moment we met her. I loved her heart of gold and her loving, caring and loyal character. I also really liked seeing a heroine that wasn't whiny and could take care of herself, taking matters into her own hands. She is just so brave and strong, but never looses her witt and humor - it was just a great time reading about her. Akiva is also an extremely interesting character. I loved reading about his backstory, how he came to be the person he is today. I could feel his love for Karou/Madrigal through the pages, which made me fell in love with him even more. He is just too precious to be real. I also liked seeing his transformation through out the story. His love, his loneliness and desperation were so painful, but yet still so beautiful to read about. I just have a soft spot for a character with a hard shell and a soft centre. His attempts at humor/his dry humor had me smiling so many times and I can't wait to see more of him. Both Karou and Akiva are so unique and fleshed out and just fun to read about. And the chemistry between them was just nurture for my romantic heart.
And don't even get me started on Brimstone and the shop crew. Brimstone is the brooding, secretive character who turns out to be a a caring father figure. I love him so much. He is hands down one of my favorite characters. That last scene with Madrigal in prison - it had me crying. And the others are just adorable and after the big reveal that Karou is kind of Madrigal, their actions were even more touching. Zuzanna (best, sassiest friend anyone could ever hope for), Liraz and Hazael are such a good and intriguing cast of supporting characters and I am intrigued to see what their part in the future books will be. In general, I could completely relate to all of the characters, which made the story so accessible for me. Also, the bad guys were quite scary as well. I am excited to see more from the emperor and Thiago (I see potential for quite the intriguing villain).

This is a unique story full of emotion with a complex, intriguing world and amazing characters. And it has me charmed. There is no going back now.