A review by cestdanielle
Witch Eyes by Scott Tracey


I actually really liked this book, but I didn't want to give it four stars because I was really confused for a majority of it. I felt like the plot bounced around a LOT, and I couldn't really keep up sometimes. I read a lot, too, yet I haven't encountered a book within my memory that got me as confused as this one did.

That being said, what I could follow was really good. The fact that [spoiler] Braden is gay and Lucien, whom I never really suspected, ended up being the bad guy [/spoiler] were both delightful plot twists. I really love it when an author can catch me off-guard like that. I mean, I knew there was something up with Lucien and that he was shady, but I never suspected that.

I don't have much else to say other than I look forward to reading Demon Eyes.