A review by caffeinatedbibliophile
Dark Moon Digest 22 by Lori Michelle, Mason Gallaway, Kenneth O’Brien, John C. Foster, Patrick Lacey, Michael Schutz-Ryan, Michael Schutz, Matt Hayward, Max Booth III, Benoit Lelièvre, Cooper O’Connor


Oops, I forgot to add my review here for 18 months :/

“Late Fee” is a story about a guy with girlfriend trouble getting more than he bargained for when he stumbles across a strange video store one night. I gave this one 4.5/5 stars, and it was probably my favorite story in this issue.

“Horror Junkie” by Michael Schutz-Ryan is about a couple of roommates who became friends thanks to their love of horror movies. Everything is working out great until things go too far. I gave this story 3.5/5 stars. I liked it, but it wasn’t my favorite.

“Room 207″ by Cooper O’Connor warns of the dangers of curiosity, and making unexpected stops when you rely on GPS too much. This one also got 3.5/5 stars from me. I kind of saw where things were going, but it was enjoyable all the same.

“Drummer Boy” by Kenneth O’Brien is about a couple trying to have a baby and finding an old toy in their new home. They hope it will bring them luck, but not all luck is good. I gave this 3/5 stars. I wasn’t crazy about it and some of it felt like stuff I’d seen a lot before, and I’m just bored with it. The story was good, and I think I would have liked it more a few years ago.

“The Seventh Date” by Mason Gallaway is about a love spell that didn’t exactly work out as expected. This one got 3-3.5/5 stars. I enjoyed it, but it also felt very familiar. Maybe I’m just jaded.

“That’s the Price You Pay” by Matt Hayward is about a mirror in a curiosity shop that’s more than it seems. This one pretty much tied with “Late Fee” as my favorite story from this issue. I really enjoyed this one and gave it 4-4.5/5 stars.

“Ion Dissonance” by Benoît Lelièvre is about a teenage boy who can’t seem to tell the difference between reality and dreams anymore. I gave this one 2.5/5 stars, but I didn’t care for it and it was probably my least favorite.

“Girl Six” by John C. Foster is a story about an FBI interrogation that takes an interesting, and terrifying, turn. I really liked this story, after I got into it. I think it was one of the longer ones, and it took me a couple of pages before it hooked me. After that, I liked it a lot. 4/5 stars for this one.

There’s also an excerpt from The Violators by Vincenzo Bilof, which came out on February 23rd, 2016. I don’t think I’ll be reading it because I’m not a fan of the writing style and the excerpt didn’t really grab me.

Overall, I gave this issue 3.5/5 stars. I would recommend it to fans of horror, particularly short stories, and I plan to start reading this magazine regularly in the future.

*I received a copy to review thanks to the publisher and Net Galley*