A review by readcover2cover
Hey, Kiddo: How I Lost My Mother, Found My Father, and Dealt with Family Addiction by Jarrett J. Krosoczka


This was really good. I liked the main character and I could definitely relate to him. I appreciated that although he loved his grandparents (who were his parents), he didn't romanticize life with them. He clearly appreciated their love and support, but also recognized their flaws. He also successfully demonstrated his recognition that his mother loved him despite her struggle with drugs as well as his anger at her for her choices. I didn't love the art style, but it wasn't bad either. I guess I don't have strong feelings about it. I really appreciated the story and connected with the characters. It was a good one to read at the end of the year to try to meet my goodreads goal! Plus I had to anyway for the YSU English festival. :)