A review by mrmrmr
神栖麗奈は此処にいる Kamisu Reina Wa Koko Ni Iru by Eiji Mikage, 御影瑛路


This was extremely anime in a bad way. The writing feels pretentious and the characters are insufferable but not in an engaging way. I cared about none of them and the sheer amount of telling instead of showing made me roll my eyes at their traumas. All of their internal monologues read as the same I'm-14-and-this-is-deep, which, to be fair, they are teens, but there truly is no real distinction, which then makes me think this is just the author speaking, with all the weird philosophical doomer preachiness. I see what the author was going for but it completely missed the execution for me. It was boring and annoying, and it couldn't even make it into my fun-to-hate-read list.

Since I was quick to finish it, I might pick up the sequel (but not really sequel, according to the author, just maybe some interesting revelations), to see if he comes up with an original twist or something worthwhile.

As an aside, "I try to disregard them like I would ignore those people distributing free tissues", I didn't know this was a universal experience lol.