A review by vee615
Traitor to the Throne by Alwyn Hamilton


This is a sequel to Rebel in the Sands which I read earlier this year. I LOVED Rebel in the Sands and was looking very forward to getting to this book. It did not disappoint.

Since we left off Amani has been shot and recovered and Jin has disappeared. The rebel's are currently trying to liberate a couple of their friends and Amani is helping (also the power she holds over the desert has gotten better). While on this mission she unknowingly saves her Aunt who later betrays her. The majority of this book takes place in the Sultan's harem and Amani is trapped there. But of course our female lead still manages to help her rebel cause.

While the majority of this book wasn't as action packed as the first it is still VERY good. The writing is effortless and the author does a wonderful job weaving between characters, filling in the world building, and of course Amani is awesome. This book broke my heart a couple of times but it was fulfilling, and I am very excited for the third book.