A review by libraryofdreaming
The Sin Eater's Daughter by Melinda Salisbury


For the most part, I enjoyed this book. The fantasy world-building was really interesting. I love getting details on a fantasy culture and its traditions. The tradition of the Eating was very clever and intriguing. The tale of the Sleeping Prince was super creepy. For the most part, I enjoyed Twylla's narration. The twisted relationship of the royal family was also interesting to me. But somehow I still feel unsatisfied. I feel like the author didn't live up to the potential of her world and characters. The resolution or lack thereof in the ending dampened my enjoyment of the book and left me feeling rather meh about it overall.

I enjoyed elements of this book a lot but the conclusion was rather iffy. Like many other novels of this style, it had many entertaining possibilities but not enough payoff. It felt like a collection of second drafts rather than a cohesive, polished novel. I can only wish Melinda Salisbury had lived up to her excellent premise.

**spoilers below**
I didn't like how ultimately the author removed all of her fantasy elements. It was a clever twist but I was in the mood for more high fantasy elements. Also, while I liked seeing the defeat of the queen, I didn't like how the Sleeping Prince wasn't even addressed. I expected a nice little cliffhanger in preparation for the next book, but it seems that the second book will be about a new set of characters and a new romance relating to the Sleeping Prince. I almost never say this, but I feel like with the twists that Melinda Salisbury created needed more time to have proper payoff. This relates directly to my problems with the romance.

I really enjoyed Lief and Twylla's burgeoning romance at first. I would have been perfectly fine with a romance between Twylla and the prince too. I almost wish that relationship had been more developed since it relates to my favorite tropes, but I was ok with Lief too because he seemed so sweet. BUT then the twist happened and it was revealed that Lief had been sent to seduce Twylla but had fallen in love with her. This is a trope I could handle as well, but the way it was done turned me off the whole relationship. Lief sleeps with Twyalla MULTIPLE times without saying a word to her. He does come back for her, but it is too little too late, imo. He lies and lies to her. Also, after talking so much about his home country's democracy and lack of nobility, he certainly changes his tune at the end when he says he should have been a noble. It felt inconsistent to me.

I wanted Twylla to be happy and have a normal life, but the ending was not satisfying to me. I wanted to see at least a hint of the battle of the Sleeping Prince. Although the ending was ambiguous, I didn't like how Twylla appeared to just forgive Lief. I needed way more apologizing, groveling, and character growth before that happened. I never say this, but I think if the author had restructured the plot into two books with a tighter plot focused on the same group of characters I would have really loved it. As it is, there was too much wasted potential, imo.

I am still very curious about the Sleeping Prince so I will read the second book. However, I can't say this series is one of my favorites.