A review by 5elementknitr
Blood of Angels, by Michael Marshall


The cover says this is the "Exciting conclusion to the Straw Men trilogy!", but I'm pretty sure there are at least 3 more (according to Wikipedia).

Which is fine by me! I'm loving this guy's writing. The second in the not-a-trilogy kind of went off the rails, but this book brought it back around. If this WERE the ending of the trilogy, that'd be fine, as it ended up nice and tidy. This is the first book in YEARS that kept me up well past my bedtime racing through to the end. It has excellent pacing!

And excellent character development. I really liked James/Jim's story.

My one nitpick is the Straw Men theory of them being here since man walked upright. Not so much the length of their existence, but the theory that the organizations created to combat them always end up (due to the passage of SO much time) forgetting their heroic purpose, degenerating in to greed and/or laziness. If that's so, then how come that didn't also happen to the Straw Men?

I have the next one winging it's way to me via interlibrary loan. Can't wait!