A review by pause_theframe
Fire in Frost by Alicia Rades


I hadn’t read anything by Rades, prior to reading this series, and I must say I am very impressed. Upon reading the blurb, I was pulled into the series, and really thought I would like it, but I wasn’t expecting to fall completely in love with the books.

The series has depth and personality, both in the characters the author has created and in the world in which the books take place. We are given enough to truly feel as though we are there and a part of the stories ourselves.

The pace was fantastic. I felt that it really added a lot to the reads, as I was kept on my toes and waiting to see what would happen next and where Crystal and her ghosts would take us. I liked that there was an element of both surprise and build-up, which really meant that I was hooked from start to finish.

As a series overall, I found it entirely enjoyable and would I would likely read again. I highly recommend it to those who enjoy paranormal reads that are written to really throw you into the story.

**I received this book for free and voluntarily provided my honest and unbiased review.