A review by beltonpham
Fathers and Sons by Ivan Turgenev


oh. my. god. i think i just discovered a new favorite.

i may have shed one or two tears too. i found myself loving every single character in this book and becoming attached to every single one of them. each one of the characters in this novel is so precious and i was actually so sad when the book ended. this book also discusses philosophy like nihilism and i ate it up????? like bro i hate philosophy but this book was just so much fun to read i loved reading every single part of it, even the parts where they discussed philosophy. in the beginning i hated Bazarov bc i just thought he was so annoying, but the more i kept reading he felt more and more like a real person to be and i just fell in love with him. bazarov is probably my favorite character in the whole book. BUT my favorite relationship in this book has to be between the fathers and sons (which is fitting bc it's also the title LOL). Watching arkady and nikolai interact, as well as bazarov and vasily, has been my favorite thing to read in this book. the dynamic between the fathers and sons is so freaking cute and i just love it so so so so much. the amount of love the characters have for each other is just amazing and so heartwarming i really love it so so much. there's like not a single bad thing i have to say about this book. all of the characters just seemed so real, and all of the relationships just seemed so real, that's probs why i was able to connect with the characters so much. also bro. the romances in this book has me kicking my feet. i was actually smiling and, well, kicking my feet every single time someone confessed their love. so freaking cute. in just 200 pages turgenev has woven such a beautiful story together and girl i ate it up so so hard. there are also so many freaking good quotes in here. lemme share some.

"[Nikolai] did not attempt to clarify his thought to himself, but he felt that he wanted to hold firm to that blessed time in his life with something stronger than memory. He wanted to re-experience the closeness of his Masha, to feel the warmth of her body and her breath, and he even imagined that she was there standing over him . . ." the idea that touch is stronger than memory is just amazing. i love it

"[Fenechka's] voice instantly reminded him of his grey hair, his age and the present time . . . The enchanted world into which he'd already entered, which had just risen from the misty waves of the past, quivered suddenly and vanished." shut up bc that is pure gold.

"'Look . . . a dry maple leaf has broken loose and is falling to the ground. Its movement is exactly like the flight of a butterfly. Isn't that odd? What is saddest and dead bears a resemblance to what is most joyous and living.'"

This confession is top tier. I won't quote the whole thing tho, just a single line: "'I love you eternally and irrevocably and I love no one but you.'" god i want someone to confess to me like that.

anyways. the writing? magnificent. the story? marvelous. everything about this book is just so freaking good. i was just hooked the entire time. i also annotated the book so so much bc i was enjoying it so so much. i don't really know if it was turgenev's goal to make the reader hate bazarov or something but if he did then mission failed ig. bc i freaking love that man. bazarov can be annoying at times but his charisma and charms are so freaking cool and he's so hot. like when he was pursuing Anna Sargeevna god it was so nice. i love watching the romantic relationships in this book too. it was just utterly delicious. seeing how much love bazarov's parents have for him is just so beautiful and wonderful and amazing it just makes me love them so so much. throughout the novel it's quite clear that there's a disconnect btwn the older and younger generation and their ideas and i think turgenev did a really good job portraying that. it was a lil sus that the older generation was like lowkey walking on eggshells around the younger generation tho saying how much smarter they are and all that (except for pavel. i like pavel too). i don't think i have much else to say about this book other than that this book is absolutely beautiful and i love this book with every part of my soul. i would definitely recommend you read this book. it's not necessarily action packed like other russian novels I've read (like crime and punishment) but this novel does focus more on relationships and human interaction and generations and such and it does a really good job at portraying all of it. i mean i also just LOVE family drama its like one of my favorite types of drama lol. anyways I'm done now. beautifully written. absolutely gorgeous. please read it.