A review by ncrabb
Leave a Message for Willie by Marcia Muller


Someone is stealing Jewish temple scrolls, and Willie Whelan may know who that is. Willie has a booth at a flea market in a small California town, and he’s a fence. Willie wants Sharon McCone to investigate a mysterious flea market hanger-on who wears a yarmulke and who hangs around Willie’s stall. Willie wants Sharon to determine how much the yarmulke-wearing Jerry Levin knows about the scrolls. But before she can investigate much, someone murders Levin, and Willie is a suspect. Hours after that murder, an unknown assailant stabs Willie’s girlfriend to death in a nearby park.

I’ll keep reading this series, but not much longer if the books are as lackluster as this one. It wasn’t horrible, but I’m not going to remember it 12 hours after I post this review.