A review by jschmidt10
Landwhale: On Turning Insults Into Nicknames, Why Body Image Is Hard, and How Diets Can Kiss My Ass by Jes Baker


It’s empowering to hear another fat woman talk about issues and prejudices and challenges I face, although admittedly not to the greater extent Jes does. I appreciate that as she is body positive and honest and holds space for understanding that food and mental health are connected for her, Jes is honest in that body image is still something that creeps into thought and care. One of the points of this book seems to be the underlying idea that it’s a never-ending struggle, to be fat. I edited my review after further reflection because there were many moments I found the author conceited in how she talked and worried about being recognized (I didn’t even know who she was when I got this audiobook). This is less memoir in its true form and more a sharing of experiences - nonfiction essays. It was still an interesting read.