A review by bookgoonie
The Shadow of Mudflap by Christi Snow, M.F. Smith


CHRISTI knows how to show off the SEXY and THRILLs of TEXAS and make them shine. She is well on her way to being THE writer for this niche of your bookcase. Her WHEN THE MISSION ENDS series well established what I expect. Strong women. Alpha men in Uniform with a sweet spot for strong women. Family and Friends come first. Sexy with a great storyline and build up. Action-packed thrills. THE SHADOW OF MUDFLAP delivers all of the above.

MUDFLAP is our hometown boy man with skills. I’m picturing something very Gerard Butler-esque. Someone Shanae can’t help but be drawn to, despite her 3-date-and-your-gone policy. I fell in love with their back-and-forth texting while he pursued and she tried to fight it. But there is nothing like an Alliance to Liberate Texas plot, to throw them together in all their awesome and glory. Will they survive each other, much less the bad guys?

I love my state. Texas is big and awesome. But we have some CRAZY. The Alliance to Liberate Texas will stop at nothing to see their goals achieved–succession. Even endangering all things sacred, Texas Football is a potential target. Unfortunately for them, they never anticipated the loyalty, fierceness, and fight of Lubbock, Texas. Where they may or may not agree with the CRAZY, they are UNITED when it comes to their own. Protecting their family, friends, and their FOOTBALL. CHRISTI doesn’t skimp on the ride or the thrills and definitely leaves us wanting more, more, more.

You can really tell that CHRISTI is writing about things she loves. You can tell that Lubbock, Texas Tech and first responders hold a special place in her heart. I know I’m highlighting CHRISTI SNOW, because her work is what I’m familiar with. But she co-wrote this with M. F. SMITH, a local Lubbock radio personality. You can read more about their process of working on the project together PLUS who CHRISTI pictured while writing on her website, link above.

The terrorist picked the wrong target…Texas Football.