A review by geekxgirl
Nyx by Serena Akeroyd


4 Stars

I really enjoyed Nyx. Surprising, I know. I wasn't expecting to really enjoy the book TBH because I've been in a book slump and have been consciously choosing to read books I like to dub "trashy" whether in storyline or quality of writing. So anywayyy... yeah I did love this book.

Nyx was extremely layered and I enjoyed delving into his personality and seeing him kind of blossom because of Giulia. He was a badass with a tortured past but he was a solid "mans man" ya know? He had good morals despite the whole (whispers) kills people bit and commits crimes ;) He had a good heart and I loved how he was thrown on his ass from the second Giulia stepped back into the clubhouse. He had no idea what to do with her and all her attitude and sass. It was entertaining as hell! And I never really felt their age-gap TBH. Everything was just soooo smooth. And Giulia was the least immature character in this book anyway.

Giulia was a fantastic heroine. Truly. She was strong but vulnerable enough to be believable and not the OTT "I'm a badass bitch" crap we see. She was truly a badass, that's true. But she had been through her own shit and her playing the bitch card turned out to be a bit of a coping mechanism for her. It was interesting how much she hated her father yet her older twin brothers worshiped him. I found she kind of kept herself on her own island a bit but with Nyx around it was hard to keep herself separated. He really got under her skin and it was hilarious how she refused, I mean absolutely REFUSED to let the club hoes run roughshod on her. Her basically throwing down on them left and right at the beginning cracked me up. Especially because it was completely believable and I didn't feel like the author was attempting to pad the heroine with her "badass" vibe ya know? She truly could handle herself and had no issues putting those chicks in their place when they got catty or handsy with her. It was a nice change.

All in all this book was great. I was surprised as it's well written and entertaining. The sexing isn't outrageously detailed as some books have done but tasteful and dirty enough to fit the book. What I enjoyed most was some of the real intimacy Nyx and Giulia shared. It allowed me to believe in their growing love for one another rather than them bumping uglies and then bam! instalove, ya know? Especially because they kept each other on a slow burn until almost 50%.

First time reading this author so I'll likely check out her other work and the rest of the series.