A review by exorcismofemilyreed
Siphon by A.A. Medina


"There is an urge inside you which cannot be satisfied with conventional methods."

Siphon was such a fun read! It has an intriguing opening, and then goes on an intense ride from there. I had no idea where this book was going to go, and I enjoyed reading this descent into madness.

I don't want to say too much about this book to avoid risking spoilers. Siphon is dark and gory. I was totally hooked once the story got going. This one is a little bit on the extreme side, so know that going in. It's not necessarily an easy story to read, but it's one that will stick with you and disturb you. I'm very impressed with it as a debut novella!

Thank you so much to AA Medina for sending me a copy of Siphon! I can't wait to read more.