A review by smartie_chan
MARiiMO by Tyrel Pinnegar


Amazon has been reccomanding this book to me for a while now and I'm actually glad that I didn't buy it sooner. Because if I had, I probably wouldn't have been able to appreciate it as much as I did. This sentence doesn't make sense without context, so I'll provide that real quick: I'm talking about the autism rep. I did know about autism, but I hadn't been educating myself on it quiet as much as I should have.
I'm bringing this up, because I think that especially chapter three is quiet interesting if viewed with an autistic lense. The chapters that follow after chapter three are only getting better. It's kinda from that chapter, around maybe 30% into the book, that the story really starts getting interesting.
I have to admit, that the first too - although they were really interesting and researched greatly - weren't as catching as they could have been. I do appreciate them if you look at the book as a whole, since you can tell how the diary starts to change from being a real documentation for science, to a diary the more the book goes on. Everything said is cool, but I would have prefered it to be shorter. Especially since the book itself isn't that long. The later chapters do make up for it, but I just feel like the book could have easily been a 5 stars if some stuff in the beginning was cut shorter.

Other reviews mentioned it already, but if you're looking for rep this book got you covered. The MC is autistic, has PTSD, is queer, is disabled, maybe ace and maybe agoraphobic(in case you don't know what that is: Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by symptoms of anxiety in situations where the person perceives their environment to be unsafe with no easy way to escape.) The last one isn't said on page but some scenes were hinting at it.
The thing I love about all the rep is, that it's subtle and obviously there if you know what to look for, but it's never the only or biggest part of the MC.

I don't think I can talk about anything that happens after chapter 3 because I feel like that would be a spoiler. I can hint at it...maybe? It tackles one of the classic questions of robotics: What makes as human? It is also a character study for Mariimo but mostly for the MC herself.

The style is really intersting, and may or may not be your coup of tea. I'd give it a chance because it's definitifly a great book and I'm happy I read it.