A review by speculativebecky
Swords of Sorrow: The Complete Saga by Gail Simone, Nancy A. Collins, Erica Schultz, G. Willow Wilson, Mairghread Scott, Leah Moore


What’s neat about this crossover event is that these characters are from different worlds and realities, and the arcs often focused on two characters initially at odds who find common ground and respect for each other. I feel like I would have loved this even more, because it very much reminded me of the latest Avengers movie but for Dynamite, and of course I don't really know Dynamite's body of work (except I kind of do because apparently they write comics about Sherlock Holmes and Dracula and Tarzan).

The collection features the issues in the order they were published, so some of the arcs are woven together in a kind of confusing non-chronological order. I'm not actually convinced the stories are meant to fit together perfectly cohesively, because sometimes the characters would part ways and then inexplicably be back in the same world in the other arc, so I tried not to get too bogged down in the details while reading.

Overall this was a lot more fun than I expected, and I'm glad I read it. There are some solidly awesome girl power moments, despite the very male gaze-y aesthetic, and the villain is totally contemptible for his treatment of women in a way I enjoyed rooting against.