A review by krisrid
Chasing the Wind by C.C. Humphreys


Let me say first, that I have a rule - no Nazi books. I got saturated on Nazis several years ago, and just couldn't take any more of them, so any books that included Nazis I took a hard pass on.

This book has Nazis. But I picked it up so many times when I was in the bookstore, that finally, I figured I needed to read it, because obviously something about it was appealing to me, in spite of the Nazis [which is saying something]. Turns out, what appealed to me was Roxy!

I really loved this character. She is complicated, and not always likable. She can be selfish and stubborn and she makes some really bad choices throughout the book. And yet, I really, really liked her. Under all her drama and her faults, she's a good person, and she tries to do what's right. Also, she's an independent, kick-ass balls-to-the-wall take-no-prisoners heroine. I loved going along on Roxy's adventures, even when they were really unpleasant [Nazis, remember? You know that never ends well].

I also found it interesting to read about a really strong female main character written by a man. I feel like the way Roxy is written has an extra something that gives her more edge and more, I don't know lack of some of the characteristics that some female authors give to female MCs. Roxy really didn't give a tinker's damn about what people thought about her or her choices, and we could use more of that from women IMO, both in fiction and in life, so I loved the heck out of Roxy.

The plot has quite a bit going on, but it all worked and came together in an interesting way. This really felt like a different kind of action/adventure book to me, but honestly, I loved it!