A review by chllybrd
Fragile Spirits by Mary Lindsey


I was pretty bummed when I saw that FRAGILE SPIRITS was not going to continue to follow Lenzi and Alden but from pretty early on you see that they are still a big part of the book and that the new main characters are pretty interesting all on their own.

Only a month has passed since the ending of SHATTERED SOULS. FRAGILE SPIRITS follows the story of rule follower Protector Paul and fly by the seat of her pants, no one tells her what to do Speaker Vivianne. One of my favorite parts of getting to know Vivienne was her attitude and how different yet similar she is to the other characters. Both her and Paul have a hidden past and are so much more than they appear on the surface. Getting to know them was not hard to endure. I enjoyed their interaction, connection and the development of their relationship.

This series has some great secondary characters. We of course get a nice dose of Lenzi and Alden but we also see a lot of Race. Race is such a hoot. I think he needs his own book next *cough, cough*. FRAGILE SPIRITS was very much character driven. The storyline was of course interesting but the characters were its driving force.

I thought book 1 was a standalone so getting a book 2 was a great surprise. The author did end the story arc but also started some things I feel need to be in a new book so I will sit and wait patiently to see if we will get a book 3. If you enjoyed SHATTERED SOULS you will not want to miss FRAGILE SPIRITS.

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.