A review by maxwelldunn
When the World Was Young by Elizabeth Gaffney


I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This in no way affects my opinion of the book.

I'm a bit torn on this one. I had no expectations going into it other than the description which sounded interesting and compelling, and that someone had compared it to Betty Smith's A Tree Grows in Brooklyn which I have yet to read but hear nothing but great things about.

So I decided to request it on NetGalley, and I got approved right away.

Overall, it was enjoyable. Was it a book that I have to read again in my life? No. Would I recommend it? Maybe. It definitely had more romance than I was expecting/would have like, but then again I didn't do much research into it before picking it up.

Character-wise, Wally was a very precocious, intelligent, and strong lead character. She was a perfect mix of mischievous but wise, even at a young age. She goes through a lot of hard times in her life, but her resilience is respectable and well-written.

I had a bit of a problem with Loretta, the family's African American maid, who seemed to fit a bit too well into the stereotypical black character who has all the wisdom and helps the white characters out in every circumstance. Sadly, her only real purpose in the novel was to follow orders, cook, and bring revelations to people because she had information that they didn't. There were some bits with her son that gave her a bit more life, but overall her character was more of a tool than anything else.

The writing is nice, easy to read, better than a lot of books, but still not anything insanely special. And as for the plot, it's mostly a character sketch type story, following Wally Baker as she grows up. Without spoiling much, the ending was a bit saccharine and expected. But at the same time it balanced out a lot of crap that happens to Wally in the first parts of the book. She deserved something happy.

Overall, a nice, enjoyable read but nothing to write home about. I'd say if you really want a historical fiction romance with some family drama in there, pick it up.