A review by crowyhead
Global Frequency, Vol. 1: Planet Ablaze by Chris Sprouse, Various, Steve Dillon, Warren Ellis, Lee Bermejo, Liam Sharp, Jon J. Muth, Roy A. Martinez, Garry Leach, David Lloyd, Glenn Fabry


This collects the first six issues of Global Frequency, each of which is a self-contained story. The basic idea is that there is a global network of operatives with different skills who can be called in at a moment's notice to diffuse potentially world-threatening situations. The concept is wicked cool, and it's fun to see Ellis playing with different scenarios; I've often felt that he had a special talent for single-issue stories, and this book supports that. It does end up feeling a bit slight, though, because it's hard to develop emotional attachments to the characters. Each issue is illustrated by a different artist, and in most cases the artist is very well-suited to the story. I found Steve Dillon's work to be a bit static, but honestly, I'm not a huge Steve Dillon fan, despite the fact that he's illustrated many of my favorite comics.