A review by authorkmg
Forever, Jack: eversea book two by Natasha Boyd


from pagetrotter.blogspot.com

Forever, Jack made me fall in love with Romance all over again. It's unrelenting honesty puts a spin on the Cinderella story making it universally relatable and allows Jack to be everyone's Prince Charming. When we think of sequels we often are a little apprehensive. Will it live up to the first book? Will it end the way we want it to? I have to tell you peeps, this literally felt like Natasha gave me a hug. She did their story so much justice, I just CAN'T!

I've read plenty of "dating a celebrity" novels. PLENTY. And I have to tell you, there's always been that disconnect. I was never able to really relate because...well...I'm not Cinderella or Grace Kelly. There's a reason these things happen in fiction. But with Eversea and continued in Forever, Jack the sense of reality is so present, it's so damn realistic, that you kind of forget that it's not actually happening. You kind of forget that it's not possible, that maybe the girl next door can score George Clooney. And this is what blows my mind.

I don't know if it's because I relate so well to Keri Ann, but there is something about the characters that just breathe life on the page. I've found this to be a rare talent in authors and whenever I do find it I get so flippin' excited because this is the mark of a true storyteller. It's these people that inspire me to write.

Keri Ann is so awesome. She makes Jack work for it, guys. I mean weeeerk for it. And Jack kind of has to. Things have come too easily for him. He's become too complacent and it's the challenge of Keri Ann that probably attracts him to her. At least IMO. But what we get in this one which is totes amazing is Jack's POV! Yes, you read correctly. It is dual POV. Love, love, love. Getting inside Jack's head was my main goal after that little snippet at the end of Eversea. I mean, helllooooo tortured hottie! Lemme snuggle. Gah, he's so wonderfully messed up. He knows he got screwed and screwed up. He's got fences to mend and work to do on himself. He's at a crossroads and it's so interesting to see that struggle from his POV.

So yes, Eversea fans, you will LOVE Forever, Jack. It's amazing and dare I say even better than Eversea? I can't wait to see what Natasha has in store for us next! Congrats, lady! You should be proud of yourself!

*ARC received in exchange for an honest review*