A review by hay_shock
Dragon's Egg by Robert L. Forward


This book was bought as a gift, so I had no idea what to expect. It is so very different to anything I could have expected. The imagination in this book is on another level.

Storytelling - This is heavy sci-fi, so there are sections which for me were hard to keep up with. However, I don't think you need to be able to understand the theory within this book, to enjoy the story. The story based elements were extremely interesting & there were many parts that I didn't expect.

Characters - I was going to say this isn't a character driven book (which it isn't), but we do meet a lot of characters & I think the main ones are covered enough for us to paint a picture & form feelings. I did appreciate how there seemed to be a very even balance of male & female roles, I know that isn't saying a lot now, but this book was published back in 1980, so I think it is worth calling out.

World Building - Is what really makes this story stand apart. I don't think I've quite read anything like it. And you really have to let your imagine run wild to be able to visualise some of the crazy ideas in this book.

I have decided not to read the second book in the series though. This book was wrapped up so nicely, for me the ending was fantastic. I don't want to spoil that ending by continuing to read the final instalment.