A review by sizrobe
The Hypochondriac's Guide to Life. and Death. by Gene Weingarten


A rather amusing look into minor complaints that could signal serious illnesses, peppered with trademark Goofy Dad Jokes. It gets a tad repetitive, but the chapters are all pretty short and it moves on to a new branch of medicine before it can overstay its welcome too much. It also mentions neat little diagnostic tests you can do at home to diagnose an illness. He also teases throughout the book that he was actually cured of his hypochondria, the method of which he reveals in the final chapter, which I won't spoil.

It's worth a word of warning: this book is certainly of a certain time. He insists that fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome are imaginary diseases made up by whiners, and that women who get epidurals are "candy-asses." He mentions that one of his co-workers has "nice hooters." That shit might have flown in the late 90's, but it's awkward looking back on it now.