A review by angelsubrinaa
Euripides Bacchae by Euripides


i think this play was white good!! i guess the only thing i didn't like was the pacing. it was a bit iffy in my opinion as the beginning was rather slow and then the climax just popped out out of nowhere. dionysus is depicted in quite an interesting way. he's powerful and vengeful which contrasts with how ancient greeks would have viewed him as he is the greek god of wine and revelry and drama. pentheus isn't a likeable character - he's irrational, misogynistic, impetuous, xenophobic etc. although his beliefs are out of order, he is an inexperienced young king (i believe around 16/17?) who was forced into being a king and therefore had loads of responsibilities. i don't think dionysus should've gone to the extent of killing him the humiliation pentheus experienced should have been enough i think. dionysus definitely takes it too far when he starts killing others from his own family who did actually support him. i quite liked how all the characters were complex and it was really fun analysing this got classics!!