A review by cadiva
Better Than People by Roan Parrish


That was soooooo good! I'm not sure I can quite articulate why I loved this book so much but I did.

Maybe it's because I love seeing happy endings for characters that don't fit into the 'square jawed alpha' stereotype.

Maybe it's because it's a book chock full of different types of love, love that persists against the odds and love that provides a bedrock of support for the people it encompasses.

Roan has such a talent at writing outside the norm.

Her characters have an otherworldly way to them at times, here it's not as obvious but both Jack and Simon follow non-traditional character tropes even while they skirt the edges of convention.

Jack is an artist, but he's not a tortured one, he's struggling with the very real anger that comes with a betrayal of trust.

Simon's anxieties aren't irrational or treated as a joke, he's managed to make a path through life for himself to the best of his ability and with the help of his awesome grandma Jean.

I also loved Jack's brother Charlie, I felt so much love for how much he'd sacrificed. I'd love to read his story and have him find a happy ending too please Roan!

That the majority of the narrative concerns just a cast of two, and a multitude of wonderful animals, but never feels claustrophobic, is testament to the author.

I also very much appreciated, in a book where one of the character's anxieties paralyse him on occasion, that miscommunication was not a major plot point.

I also appreciated the cameo appearance in reference only of Corbin Wale