A review by victoiremzc
Island, by Aldous Huxley


This book left me speechless more than once, and having now finished it I'm not sure I can do it justice by writing about it. I'd say there are two levels on which I was struck by this book: a personal level and then perhaps an intellectual level, since it made me question political orders and how societies should or shouldn't be arranged. Through the evolution of the main character as he gradually discovers Pala and the Palanese people's teachings, I was struck by the need for awareness, awareness of the self and awareness of others. That is definetely something I want to include more of in my life. On a political level, I agree and am interested in a lot of what the Palanese do, especially in terms of education. This book led me to ask myself questions I might not have before.
It's not exactly a traditional novel and is more of a long political and philosophical essay than a true story, but I really didn't mind that. Reading this book was an experience, and that is probably the point! Highly recommend :)