A review by paddlefoot55
A Perfect Love by Becca Lee


4.5 stars

ARC received for an honest review

This is the second book in this series (Book 1 is A Perfect Moment), but this can be read as a stand alone.

It has been a while since I read the first book, A Perfect Moment - so thank you Ms Lee for including the epilogue of it at the beginning of A Perfect Love to refresh my memory.

Fresh back from their honeymoon, Liam and Jo have so much to look forward in their future together.

But when events from their pasts rear their ugly heads, Liam and Jo know that fighting for their love is the most important things.

And boy, did some crap from their pasts make a return.

I absolutely adore Liam and Jo. So much in love, so perfect for each other. But life and love is never meant to be easy, and I love how they push through all the obstacles that are put in their way, nothing is going to ever stop them being there for each other. Through all the crap and their imperfections, they are perfect for each other.

We got quite a bit of their pasts in this story, and we can see how it has affected them over the years, and has made them the people they are today. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right?

Jo is unbelievably strong. I want to be as strong as her when I grow up!

We also get more of Ella and Preston from the first book. It was great to catch up with them, see where they are at these days (though it is not far down the track from where we left them!!) Both couples lives are so intertwined, that there is no way we could have one couple without more of the other.

This books is more than just a love story. It is a story of what happens after the love is found. The difficulties that our couple have to go through to keep an relationship alive. It shows that it is not all rainbows and butterflies, how outside forces can affect the relationship, and hopefully make it stronger every day.

I thoroughly enjoyed A Perfect Love, and I cannot wait to see what Ms Lee has for us next.

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