A review by the_books_music_life
Mrs. Sherlock Holmes by Brad Ricca

challenging dark emotional mysterious sad tense slow-paced


I had no clue what this book was about when I picked it up on a whim, I was surprised to see it was a nonfiction account of a woman detective and the case that made her famous.

The book jumps from different points in time, to different cases Grace has worked on, to different events that were taking place during this time; that it was very hard to follow along and not get lost. I will admit I got lost quite a few times and it took me a good few minutes of pausing the audiobook and recalling what we just went over. The book is supposed to be about the Ruth Kruger and what happened to her and her case, but we don't get a whole lot of her case. We get bits and pieces and then it jumps to a whole new case and a whole new slew of characters we need to focus on and remember. 

I didn't like the way it jumped around. I understand showing the previous cases Grace worked on and other cases after Ruth's but the only thing it added to the story was showing how Grace worked.

Overall I thought this book would be something, if not amazing than interesting to read; but the issues I had with the book from the way it was written, how everything was explained, the way it jumped around took away from any enjoyment I could have had. The different plots and characters, and just everything about this book confused the hell out of me.

In my opinion I wouldn't recommend this book but if you think this is something you would like then give it a chance, just be conscious of the abundance of characters, the jumping of the plot and the subject lines, and the frankly confusing way this book is written.

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