A review by crookedtreehouse
Maniac of New York: The Bronx Is Burning by Mike Marts, Elliott Kalan


The comic equivalent of the direct-to-DVD low budget sequel to the not very inventive first film. Cliche after cliche is ... I don't want to say trotted out, because that implies a sense of urgency ... plodded out to its inevitable death. The Final Girl seems to maybe get her revenge, and maybe redemption? But nobody else has an arc so much as At The Beginning Of The Story They Are At Point A and then, without much explanation At The End Of The Story They Are At Point B.

The slimy mayor character doesn't act with any purpose, nor does he seem to have much power. We still only have hints at who The Maniac was/is (but it's the precise same hints we had in volume one). And the worst part is that the author first sets the slashing at an underfunded school, and then at a Yankees game, and manages to squander both opportunities to say anything interesting about education and capitalism or sports fans. There is a vague "corporate schooling is bad" based on the principal's actions, but its otherwise toothless. And the Yankees game slashfest, where most of the bodycount happens, is incredibly dull, and not even visually interesting.

There will presumably be a third volume of this, as The Child Who Knows Something About The Killer hasn't been able to pass on her knowledge about a Very Stupid Weakness that the villain (who seems to be dead) has. But who cares?