A review by ipb1
Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky


Another one of those novels which came highly recommended, but which I kept picking up and putting down unread because the synopsis didn't quite grab me. Bloody idiot. Having finally got around to reading it I absolutely loved it. In truth the individual SF ideas and tropes aren't particularly ground-breaking, but they are so deftly synthesised and handled that they feel very original. A nod as well to some very clever narrative devices - something as simple as the recurrent use of names across the multi-generational timeline gives a great sense of continuity and engagement which could easily have been lost across a succession of 'new' characters. I haven't enjoyed an SF novel this much since [b:Project Hail Mary|54493401|Project Hail Mary|Andy Weir|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1597695864l/54493401._SY75_.jpg|79106958]. The science may be equally hokey, but just go with it and enjoy a damn good yarn.