A review by fictional_felicia
The Ocean at the End of the Lane, by Neil Gaiman


How to describe this book...

I rented this book because I added it to my "to read" list (which was on that list bc of a giveaway on goodreads...i think). Anyways, I went into this reading having no idea what the book was about. Boy was I surprised. Or maybe dumbfounded? All I can say about this book was that it was very strange. The characters and plot was so unique and inventive though, that I ended up enjoying myself and wanted to find out what memories the main character had locked away for so many years. This is my first Neil Gaiman book and though this was a little strange for me, I want to read another one of his books because like I said, it was very unique and it was also well written so I'm sure I'll enjoy more of his books.