A review by jadeshea
Undercover with the Enemy by Sharron McClellan


Reviewed by Whitney@Shooting Stars Reviews

Undercover With the Enemy begins when Holly Milano is being partnered with Kane MacMillan. The major problem with this is, Holly is more a risk taker. She's going to act before she thinks things through, and doesn't really follow orders very well. Kane, however, is the exact opposite. He follows orders to the "T" and hates that Holly doesn't ever stick to the plan. These two have never worked well together, and now they forced to pretend to be engaged. Neither one is really sure what is going to happen next or if they can even pull off this assignment. But they bound and determined to try!
The last thing they expected though was to have an attraction to each other, and that's exactly what starts to build once they start pretending...

This book was very interesting. It has suspense, an extremely strong heroine, and a really awesome hero. It was a nice contrast to see how different the hero and heroine were, and how they came together. The situations they had to go through created a strong bond between them, and at times were quite funny.

Over all this book was very interesting, and I liked!