A review by blake_persephone
The Hand on the Wall by Maureen Johnson



The flashbacks were so unnecessary in this one as pretty much everything that we needed to know was in the last book. We just needed to know what happened to Alice I didn’t need a whole George redux retelling.

I also hate how everyone continually harps on David. He’s a dick but everyone else isn’t perfect either and there seems to be this “he’s just privileged!” And I’m very much like you’re all in a private school where you get so many perks you’re all privileged. Not helped by the fact that most of the kids are white and rich so…pot kettle.

Janelle annoyed the shit out of me and hate a holier-than-thou character that doesn’t get called out . Particularly when she didn’t do anything really worthwhile while David actually saved countless of people by fucking over his dad.

I like Stevie but what she did to David and how she handled the situation was real shit and her friends should have called her out on it. David and her did some shitty things it doesn’t make them evil
But feels weird when one gets constantly called out and the other doesn’t.