A review by urlphantomhive
The Circle by Damon Clark


2.5 Stars

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I fell for The Circle because of the nice cover. The art inside is slightly different, but still the strongest point of the graphic novel.

Christian has just moved to a rather boring small town and has some troubles adjusting and finding new friends. That is, until he’s tricked by a couple of teenagers with sinister plans to be a part of their circle. Things go wrong quickly from there.

It was a very quick read, but the story was not that interesting. It has all been done before and especially Christian is so very naïve. Also, it was as if a lot of the story was missing still because a lot happens in such a small number of pages that the events (and the ‘why’s behind it) stayed un(der)developed.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!