A review by rebus
Red Room: The Antisocial Network by Ed Piskor


A dull and derivative modern take on EC comics from the 1950s fails to illuminate this predatory corner of the dark web in any way (the author is such a coward that he himself has never logged in to the dark web, relying instead upon the 'research' of 'experts'). 

What we have instead is pro-cop BS that serves only as propaganda, filled with nothing but lies and distortions (at best). Piskor states that serial killers are obsessed with cops and often take jobs adjacent to law enforcement because they could not make the cut, when in fact cops--like soldiers, who now make up a majority of cops--have an average IQ of 88. The truth is that the VAST majority of serial killers--an obsession that borders on stupid, as there have been just a few hundred in human history, with only a couple of thousand total victims, while the US economy kills more than 10 times that amount daily in our slave states without firing a shot--are stone cold geniuses who may in fact be failed med students, which is why they end up with jobs in places like medical examiner's offices. Cops are bottom of the barrel sociopaths. They kill HALF as many people annually as serial killers have killed in ALL of human history. The fact that people fear that there is a crazy killer or predator around every corner is ludicrous, as serial killings and mass killings almost never occur (especially compared to the casual sociopathy of Corporate Capitalism). 

Once again, we find a far more telling afterword, which shows what a joke this creator is, comparing some of his techniques to the great Alan Moore, and revealing his obsession with crypto-fascist violence peddlers like Frank Miller. He's a right wing tool to suggest the torture of ISIS agents didn't happen, and even more of one to adhere to the views of a full on Nazi like John E. Douglas (does anyone really still believe the tired tropes that serial killing is a result of bed wetting, pyromania, or animal torture, especially when our Capitalist meat eating society enslaves 65 BILLION animals in torturous conditions before slaughtering them, much like in a Red Room video?). 

This is puerile garbage from a guy who hypocritically called Justin Bieber a schmuck, and, as he reveals in his notes at the end, it sounds like most of the modern generation of comic book creators are the twisted types who would love to watch or participate in Red Rooms. 

His name dropping reveals mostly bad taste in everything, but I guess we should count our blessings that he and his ilk had some small amount of artistic talent and didn't become characters in these spaces.