A review by readingrosie
The American Girl by Kate Horsley


Pro-tip: When you're writing a book, don't name your main character after a Shonda Rhimes anti-hero. It's not a good look. This book fell flat in other areas too. A lot of the plot didn't hold together. For example, it wasn't clear what happens to the exchange students after Raphel's through with them, but either they go missing or they go home. In the first case, ppl should be really suspicious of the Blavettes and not send them anymore exchange students. In the other case, someone out of the tons of exchange students, would end up reporting Raphael for rape. But nothing happens!

There were other things, too. Noemie's reaction to Quinn in the caves was really forced. Molly was SUCH a Gillian Flynn knock-off, it was ridiculous. I know a lot of people liked this book, but it really wasn't my thing. Also, an American really should have read this book before it was published in order to replace all those "torches" with "flashlights" and "I've nots" with "I haven'ts." There were definitely parts I liked. The wall with all those different girls ("Italian girl", "German girl", etc.) was chilling. The dunking game and the entire pool really captured bored teenagers. Emilie and Raphael were fascinating to read about, and the gas room in Les Yeux did hold some creep factor. Still, I'm going to go reread Gone Girl to cleanse my palate.