A review by blodeuedd
The White City by Karolina Ramqvist


It did feel strange when I realised I was reading a book translated from my own language, oops. The translation seems to have been done well from what I can see.

This is a novella about a few days in Karin's life. Something has happened. She is now left with a big house. No money. Too many bills to pay and her man is gone. Jail, dead, something. And she has a baby to care for in a freezing house.

Karin, well she is obviously someone who is not great caring for herself. She needs a man to do things for her. She is left with resentment now when she never wanted a kid and now she has one. She is trying to find a few out of the mess that has been left to her. So did I care for her, not at first, but she does try to pick herself up, even if not always by the best ways.

I liked the quietness of her watching her young daughter play and not saying anything because Kari never talks to the child anyway. Which of course is horrible.

But I did feel it would have been better to read the previous book. Not that it is a series but there seems to be a book before this one where she is trapped in that same house, alone and wanting him there. Right, the house is important, aha, this is one of those books you should dissect at the table of literature. Great now I can feel my uni degree awakening, better step away.

A short novella that takes no time at all to read