A review by sagek
Catalyst by Jennifer Snyder


*I received a free digital version from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Catalyst is a fast paced, magickal book full of new discoveries and shocking situations. It all started when Addison inherited a house from her biological mother and decided to stay there for the summer in hopes of figuring out what to do with it; should she keep it or not? In the process, she learns about her biological family, and in turn what was passed down to her. She also meets new people -specifically Kace who she gets involved with- and begins to be immersed in the world of magick.

Like the author's other books, Catalyst is fast paced, has a great flow, and is well described. The way magick is introduced and the buildup to it was enjoyable, though I do feel Addison accepted it far too easily. I found that Kace kissing her until she said it wasn't a very realistic way for some own to accept it, even though she could feel it. I enjoyed it either way though, I just would've liked a more realistic way, since everything else about this book feels very real, despite the magical elements. Which also makes the flow great, since the story feels so real and possible. It's very engaging.

I also love how the information was spread out so that it never dragged or felt boring. We learned a lot, though there's definitely more to explore, and yet I never felt like I was having an information overload. All the information was put in seemingly effortlessly and realistically. It definitely helped the flow and the enjoyment factor.

The characters were interesting, though I wish we knew more about Kace and his friends and Theo. We mainly only got information about Addison, since it was her POV, and so we only got to know about the others through what she saw, mostly. What I love about Addison is that she isn't selfish. She feels so guilty that she wants to learn about her biological family and the fact that it's hiring her adoptive mom, and I find that admirable. She wishes at one point that she didn't want to learn about them so much, since it was hurting her mom, but she stayed in Soul Harber anyway because of her magick and what she knows she has to learn. I also love how nice and compassionate she is, though there weren't many examples for it. I definitely enjoy her relationship with Binks. It's interesting to read about and I love how he tries to protect her, though I really hope he wasn't injured.

Kace is the one I want to know more about out of the characters we don't really get information for. Him, and then Theo. We know Kace has an apartment with Adam, that he is very sexual, that he doesn't dunk much, his favorite color is green, and he has a magickal element of air. We don't know about his family, or his job, or his favorite sports or activities, or what he likes to do with his friends (other than hang out on the beach or cliff). We don't know much about his background, or anyone else's for that matter. Despite that though, I enjoyed reading about them and I'm hopeful that we'll know more about them in the next book.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book and I'm eager for the next one! I recommend this to lovers of action(sorta), fantasy(because magick), and maybe even romance.