A review by clair_82
The Ice Swimmer by K.O. Dahl


The Ice Swimmer opens with someone trying to escape someone on the metro – we don’t know who these people are or why they are in this position but what is clear is that the woman does not want to be caught.

We are then transported to the streets of Oslo where a body is being removed from the water – what appears to be a simple drowning soon turns into a sinister investigation for the Oslo Detectives.

This is the 8th book in the series and the second I have read but it can most definitely be read as a stand-alone.

This book certainly keeps its reader on their toes with the cleverly plotted investigation full of threads that eventually come together for both the reader and the police. There is also an interesting angle to this book as we also get to know Detective Lena Stigersand and privy to the challenges she’s having personally alongside the challenging investigation she has.

This is a slower pace of thriller but is full of leads and red herrings. Kjell Ola Dahl writes wonderfully and it’s clear why he is regarded so highly within the genre of Nordic noir.