A review by booksteacupnreviews
A Ranch Bordering the Salty River by Stephen Page


*** Note: I received a review copy of this book from the author, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to author. I’m glad I got a chance to read this book. ***

This story is collection of in poetic verses about the life of Jonathan, a rancher.
This is little difficult for me. I love reading poetry but honestly I don’t have any idea how to review it. So, I will tell what I understood from this beautiful poetic story.

‘A Ranch Bordering the Salty River’ was narrated by Jonathan, the main character of the story who lives in his ranch house near Salty River. First few poem tells about Jonathan and his happy family life with Teresa his grandchildren, his pull towards woods and nature. The poems told more about his life before he started ranching, how he do the patrolling his ranch and taking care of cattle was chasing away rabbit hunters, capturing cattle thief, interviewing for roll of capataz, dealing with his partner who wanted to saw grass and modify soy on his farm how he treated his employee fairly. There was one verse about working on cow pasture which was funny.

Overall, the story that tells about hardworking life of a rancher and day-to-day work and problems that he have to deal with. In few words I learned a lot of things about rancher.

I guess poem lovers can give a more fair review of this poems and they would love to read this.