A review by dbguide2
Moonshadow's Guardian by Dianna Gunn


I realised it had been a while since I had read a fantasy book – and by a fantasy book, I mean like an adult fantasy book, and I forgot that with adult fantasy books, it takes some time to get into the story, be involved in the plot, connect to the characters, etc. And that was my opinion towards this book – I wasn’t allowing myself to connect to the characters because I was so used to loving them the second you meet them (not that that’s wrong) that I forgot about the characters that take a while to connect to and how they can be good too.

That was definitely my feeling in this book. It took me awhile to connect to the characters (though Rolf, the dragon, was a favourite from the get-go. I mean dragon, boom). But I’m glad I kept reading because I ended up loving them. Especially our main character – Riana. I felt for her, was angry when she was angry, became sad when she was sad. All which I love to see in characters! The same thing with the plot! I only realised it was great when I realised I that it was – yes, this sounds confusing, but it works. Somehow.

Loki was another great character – and by that I don’t mean he was a good character – as in morally good, but just very Loki – he is the god of Mischief and Trickery, after all. Though I didn’t like how he treated Riana – but that’s because I loved Riana and wanted the best for her.

I’m not going to spoil anything for anyone but there are vampires!! Which, of course, gets me all excited, because VAMPIRES. They added a bit extra to the book, amongst everything else that also give the book even more extra, and I, for one, am happy about that.