A review by morgan_monday
The Playboy by Marni Mann


 The dedication is what got me hooked:

" For my ladies who love heroes who...
Crave you.
Need you.
Devour you.
Worship you.
And would do absolutely anything to have you....
Macon is for you. "

From playboy.. to treating a woman like a QUEEN! From not wanting to have any form of romantic relationship.. to not being able to stop thinking/wanting/spending time & money with a woman. Macon.. oh sweet Macon. How I love you. You really are the reason all the real woman in the world have the issues we have.. thinking we can change a man. lol. No but really, this book was so good. Macon was in love at first sight and didn't stop until he got what he wanted.. which was Brooklyn or his Tiny Dancer. Spice was spicy.. and it happened pretty fast in the book, which I always enjoy. I also LOVED that there was NO 3rd act breakup. Now.. one could have been written, but I am glad the characters were able to work out and talk about the issues that came up without resulting in the "miscommunication/breakup trope".