A review by intensej
Two Wrongs Make a Right by Chloe Liese


Bea Wilmot's twin sister Jules is dating Jamie's friend and roommate, Jean-Claude. Jamie Westenberg and Bea meet at a party and instantly don't get along. Although they have a terrible first meeting, Jules thinks that Jamie would be perfect for her sister. Jules and Jean-Claude set them up on a blind date. After Jamie and Bea text for a week (they both are using their middle names to hide their identity), they realize that they have similar interests. Bea and Jamie agree to fake date as a way to get revenge on Jules and Jean-Claude for going behind their backs to set up the blind date. I liked the chemistry between Jamie and Bea, and it was nice to see them learn how to communicate. I enjoyed seeing perspective of character with anxiety (Jamie) and autism (Bea). This book was a lot spicier than I expected. Fans of [a:Talia Hibbert|17088554|Talia Hibbert|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1544037896p2/17088554.jpg]'s the Brown Sisters series and [a:Helen Hoang|17147855|Helen Hoang|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1505925131p2/17147855.jpg] will enjoy this book. My only criticism of this book is that the plot was very predictable. I was surprised that I liked this book because I was not a fan of Chloe Liese's other book, [b:Always Only You|54125750|Always Only You (Bergman Brothers, #2)|Chloe Liese|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1593579246l/54125750._SY75_.jpg|84475787]. I'll probably give the sequel, [b:Better Hate than Never|64821637|Better Hate than Never (The Wilmot Sisters, #2)|Chloe Liese|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1677540032l/64821637._SX50_.jpg|100042595] a chance because I want to read more about Christopher.