A review by discocrow
Hawkeye: Blindspot by Jim McCann, Paco Diaz Luque


Such a solid story.

Blindspot, like [b: Old Man Hawkeye|37903946|Old Man Hawkeye #1|Ethan Sacks|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1515595931l/37903946._SY75_.jpg|59609574], sees the unthinkable happening to Clint Barton. He's going blind. Unlike in Old Man Hawkeye, however, the problem is in his occipital lobe itself. Distances, noises, and hallucinations abound and soon enough Clint begins to realize that what's going on in his life is as scattered and strange as his sense of sight now is. People from his past are returning, and some of them have long been presumed dead.

This is a valuable volume for any Hawkeye fan. While he isn't as endearing as he is in Fraction's run of the character, he's certainly more true to how he's generally written.. in all of the maddening ways that implies. He's a less mature Hawkeye, more hotheaded, still running off on his own. Honestly, his interactions with Captain America alone make this book worth reading.

And, well, there's Barney...

The second story in this volume is a reprint of a classic era comic that sees Hawkeye versus Batroc the leaper. Hilarious? Oh, you bet. It's a fun little read though, and it certainly drives home the necessity of trick arrows in every quiver.