A review by queenmeega
The Silent Wife by A.S.A. Harrison


Rooting for everyone to lose

The Silent Wife by S.A. Harrison is a puzzler. The story of a marriage- Jodi and Todd. Todd is having an affair and most of the novel centers around the consequences of that and Jodi's acknowledgement of it. I did not like neither Jodi nor Todd. Really- there wasn't a character to root for. They were all unlikable. And that made it hard to continue reading about the minutiae of their lives when they seemed not like real people. Jodi was the least self aware therapist in the world-class I'm not sure how someone could navigate through life that clueless. Add in Todd's overwhelming selfishness and narcissism and you will be with me- having no sympathy for these characters. I'm actually downgrading this to 2.5 stars the more I write. Don't waste your time.