A review by blossom6810
Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke

I’m not going to rate this book, I’m conflicted on how I feel about it. Some parts were lyrical and made me feel personally connected to what he was saying. Some made me reconsider things, and learn. That being said, some parts felt unnecessary, and sometimes dramatic. Some parts I just felt were wrong, and maybe that comes down to personal philosophy but his way of doing things isn’t the only way to be a true artist. He is also severely critical of others art, and states his opinion on things as if they were fact. The book wasn’t exactly pretentious because that would be a misuse of the word, he knows his stuff, but it felt self righteous. I think maybe I just felt too far removed from it, or it just wasn’t the right time for me to read this. Perhaps I will try again in the future.